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A 30-year-old Bruneian male with short, neat hair and a subtle smile, dressed in a casual shirt and trousers, sitting on a bench in a beautiful city park.
"A dimly lit dining room with a cozy, vintage atmosphere. A group of people is seated around a large wooden dining table, laughing and enjoying their meal. The camera focuses on a woman at the table reaching for a dish, and suddenly, out of nowhere, a ghostly figure materializes in the background—a translucent, eerie presence with hollow eyes and flowing, tattered robes. The ghost appears abruptly, letting out a chilling whisper or scream before vanishing in a split second, leaving the diners in stunned silence and fear."
This is AxEL you are going take this exact modeland only move hiis bodly parts into realistic poses based on keyframes i neesd tomake animation of him. first lets try only moving AxEL's legs into keyframe of him running
A 40-year-old Bruneian male with medium-length hair and a serious expression, dressed in a white Baju Melayu shirt and black trousers, standing in front of a buddhist temple with beautiful architectural details.
Design a warm and inviting delivery boy character, who is actively delivering in a city. The boy should be smiling, showing a passion for work, and creating a sense of energy and hospitality. They should have a traditional delivery boys attire with a delivery boy hat. The character should be depicted in the act of preparing a delicious dish. The delivery boy can be either male or female, or even a gender-neutral character, with features that are friendly and approachable, showing a bit of personality—perhaps a twinkle in their eye or a joyful expression. The character’s skin tone and hair color should be neutral, allowing it to appeal to a broad audience. The boys posture should convey confidence and skill, and the setting should look like a modern, cozy city . The overall color palette should include warm, inviting tones like light browns, whites, and soft pastels, reflecting the warmth of the city and the joy of deliverying food. This boy character should convey expertise, passion, and friendliness, making the viewer feel like they are in the hands of a professional .
A 40-year-old Bruneian male with a well-maintained greying beard and a friendly smile, wearing a white button-up shirt and tan trousers, standing in front of a tropical garden with flowers
A 40-year-old Bruneian male with a clean-shaven face and a calm expression, wearing a white Baju Kurung shirt and dark pants, sitting in a quiet, serene park with tropical trees around.

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Advanced AI models (FLUX.1 dev, FLUX.1 Realism, and more...)
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Video mode
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Advanced features for professional creators
Unlimited generations
Text to image mode
Image to image mode
Unlimited downloads
High resolution mode
Basic AI model (FLUX.1 Schnell)
Advanced AI models (FLUX.1 dev, FLUX.1 Realism, and more...)
Batch generations (up to 4)
Video modeComing soon...
Unlimited upscalingComing soon...
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